We update our blog every week, here you can find information about: resource consent fees, resource consent meaning, resource consent timeframes, subdivisions and lots of other helpful information.
Auckland Council fees to increase
PC78- The ever-changing confusion?
Rural Subdivision in Auckland- what’s the new Practise Note?
Fast Track Approvals Bill- How will it work?
Plan Change 78- is it on hold?
Reduce your Council fees? Yes please!
Why should you use a planner?
Auckland’s Future Development Strategy adopted – how will this impact the city’s growth?
Plan Change 78- An update
Rural subdivision and planting
Rural subdivision protecting wetlands- what's involved?
Highly Productive Land- how does it affect rural development?
Rural Subdivision- Protecting Bush
NBE Plans – What are they and how will they affect resource consents?
Resource Management Reform – How does it all fit together?
Resource Management Reform – Where is it at?
Plan Change 78 – where is it all up to now?
Flooding- is your site affected?
Our Top 5- Special Character Areas and Development
Special Character Areas & Front facades – what to watch out for and avoid