It seems like an age ago, but it wasn’t that many years back that Auckland was split into 7 cities/districts, which all had their own district plans controlling development. Following the creation of Auckland Council, a massive planning exercise was undertaken to look at development of the Auckland region as a whole and how best to provide for development.
Importantly this included accommodating more residential development withing existing neighbourhoods. This mean that land that previously could only contain one dwelling could in many cases now contain more; the land had been “upzoned”.

Many people were unaware of this at the time, and some still are. There are now huge parts of older, more traditional Auckland neighbourhoods where 2, 3 or more houses can be built, often without needing a resource consent. This could be in addition to a house that’s already there, or more intensive redevelopment of the whole site.
Do you know if your sites been upzoned?
Its easy to find out the zoning of your site – you can find this in the Auckland Unitary Plan maps. We have a blog coming out later this week that will take you through this step by step if you’d like some help. In the residential areas in Auckland, there are six residential zones. These all provide for different types of development and this is summarised in terms of the number of dwellings in the table below.

What now?
If your site has been upzoned, there’s development potential for your site. The right development though depends on your specific site and what you want to achieve. Do you want to maximise your returns, build a dwelling for your children, to rent out or do you want to stay living on the site? Is your site affected by instability, protected bush, a watercourse or lack of services?
Development is different for every person and every site and needs a unique approach. If you want to know more, get in contact with our friendly team. We provide free upfront, preliminary advice and can assist you with deciding what development options are best for you.
You can contact us at or 09 427 9966. We look forward to your call!
As with all our blogs, the information detailed here is general in nature and meant as a preliminary guide only. This should not be substituted for your own investigations or use of your own professional’s. Planning Plus is not liable for any errors or omissions.

Hannah Thomson is Director of Planning Plus™ and has over 17 years of resource management experience working in both local government and the private sector. This includes five years at Rodney District Council in roles including Senior Planner and Team Leader. Hannah has a wide range of experience including commercial, rural, residential and coastal development and subdivision on small to large scales and appearances at both Council and Environment Court as an expert witness for mediation and hearings. Hannah has assisted Councils with policy development and has also assisted private individuals with submissions to Council.
#AUT #resourceconsentfees #AucklandUnitaryPlan #upzoned #propertydevelopment