Stoney Homestead
Stoney Homestead is one of the oldest farm houses in the former Rodney District. It is a heritage building listed with Heritage New Zealand, in the Auckland Council District Plan (Rodney Section) and the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. The site has known archaeological values and the adjacent reserve area contains scheduled trees. There are a lot of factors affecting development of this property. Following extensive restoration of the building, the next challenge was identifying uses of the building and site that would be both self-sustaining and respect the competing values of the site and buildings.
Resource consent was sought to extend the building, establish a community centre, meeting rooms, commercial kitchen for hire, museum rooms, vintage themed tea room and small scale events such as weddings. The variety of activities allowed for flexibility in the use of the building to enable the building and site to be used for a number of activities and maximise the number of people who could use the facilities. This also provided the best opportunity for the site to be economically self-sustaining. A number of experts were involved in assessment of the application in addition to Planning Plus. These included a landscape architect, heritage architect, archaeologist and traffic engineers. Planning Plus® utilised this expertise and our own planning expertise to undertake a detailed Assessment of Adverse Effects, lodge a comprehensive application and respond to technical questions from the Council. The application was lodged within agreed timeframes and within budget.
Resource consent was obtained on a non-notified basis and preliminary works are now underway to extend the building and establish the community centre.