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Silverdale Town Centre

Silverdale is a fast growing residential and commercial greenfields development north of Auckland. Bindon Construction contacted us in relation to a proposed mixed use commercial centre in the Silverdale town centre. This was to consist of three levels of retail, restaurants and office space, associated car parking, servicing, signage, landscaping and earthworks. A unit title subdivision was also part of the project.

The district plan rules in this location also require a Development Concept Plan (a high order plan outlining how development will proceed in a precinct). This proposal required changes to the Development Concept Plan including a reduced car parking ratio.

We were excited to be bought on as part of the consenting team for this application, using input from traffic engineers, civil engineers, landscape architects and designers to compile a detailed resource consent application. Planning Plus® also led consultation with Council and Council organisations, and responses to Council technical questions.

Resource consent was obtained on a non-notified basis and the development is now partially completed. 

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