So you have submitted your resource consent application. I bet you are on the edge of your seat waiting to hear if it has been accepted or not. When you are pumped to get started on your project, it can sometimes feel like the decision takes forever to arrive (even if it is only a few weeks!)
If your resource consent is granted, you will receive a decision document which will outline the type of activity that has been approved, conditions and an expiry date.
This is your resource consent, now you have to implement it.
Consent conditions
The conditions will aim to reduce the environmental effects of your activity. These may be conditions that you have to comply with prior to, during, or after the implementation of the consented work. For example, you may need to have a pre-construction meeting with Council staff before works begin, carry out erosion and sediment control measures during earthworks, or provide as-built plans when the work is complete.
There will also be a condition referring to the plans and other information you submitted as part of the application. This means you need to undertake the activity how you said you would. It seems like a simple condition to comply with, but some people forget what methods they specified, such as landscaping, using specific materials or paint colours etc.
Before planning any further work, you need to have a very good understanding of what the conditions require.
Communication and monitoring
Make sure your contractors have a copy of the resource consent and understand what conditions they need to comply with. As the consent holder, it’s your responsibility to make sure that conditions are met. You could receive abatement notices and fines if you don’t comply with conditions of consent.
You may need to hire a specialist to oversee monitoring, for example earthworks being overseen by an archaeologist or engineer. You will need to engage these people in advance of doing the related works, so again you need to make sure you clearly understand what the conditions require, from whom and when.
Time is of the essence!
You will need to take action on your consent within a certain timeframe or it will lapse and you will need to apply again. Unless a specific duration is outlined in a condition, your consent will lapse five years after the date it was granted.
In certain circumstances, you can apply to vary the conditions or extend the lapse date of your consent. We would suggest you contact a planning consultant to discuss these options if needed.

Do you have your resource consent, but aren’t sure about the next steps to take? If you have any concerns about making sure you don’t breach the conditions, then feel free to get in touch with us here at Planning Plus.
We have reach the end of our five blog series “Lifecycle of a resource consent” we hope you have got enough information about the process of lodging a resource consent with Council and please get in touch if you need any more information, we will be delighted to help.
We deal with resource consent every day, so are happy to help you understand yours.
Disclaimer As with all our blogs, the information detailed here is general in nature and meant as a preliminary guide only. This should not be substituted for your own investigations or use of your own professional’s. Planning Plus is not liable for any errors or omissions.
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